International Social Work Day

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On this International Social Work Day, we wish to highlight the fundamental contribution of the Grey Nuns of Montreal to Quebec and Canadian society, through the foundation and administration of hundreds of social works and missions.

For 282 years, the Grey Nuns of Montreal have been helping the poor, the sick, orphans, women in need and the elderly.

From the Constitutions of 1781 (3rd part, preface) recalling this social mission of the Grey Nuns:

‘ (…) it is they (THE SISTERS) who are made for the hospital and for the service of the poor, to whom alone generally belong all the goods of the house, of which they retain only a temporary administration, and that by the eyes of faith, considering the poor under the quality of members of Jesus Christ, they must look upon them as their lords and masters, without ever availing themselves only of the glorious title of servants of the poor.’


G01,B,2,2,07 Recueil de règles et constitutions à l’usage des filles séculières administratrices de l’Hôpital Général de Montréal…, 1781
G01,B,2,2,07 Recueil de règles et constitutions à l’usage des filles séculières administratrices de l’Hôpital Général de Montréal…, 1781
G01,B,2,2,07 Recueil de règles et constitutions à l’usage des filles séculières administratrices de l’Hôpital Général de Montréal…, 1781