Universal Children’s Day

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To mark Universal Children’s Day, we are sharing photographs of nuns working with children in Montreal (Crèche d’Youville), Nicolet (Orphelinat du Christ-Roi) and Winnipeg (Orphelinat St-Joseph), Manitoba. This important apostolate for the congregation began in 1754, when Foundress Marguerite d’Youville took in a foundling at the General Hospital.

Source: ASGM,L101,K,17, Orphelinat-Hôpital Christ-Roi de Nicolet, nuns and girls, n.d.
Source: ASGM,L002,A,P,19, Crèche d’Youville, Montréal, Sister Rose Bernier and an orphan, 1959.
ASGM,L061,01, Orphelinat St-Joseph, Winnipeg, Playroom, n.d.
Source: ASGM,L090,Y17F, Crèche d’Youville, Montréal, Children and a nun, n.d.